Wednesday, September 21, 2011

HomeBrew / Beer Clubs are up and running

As September hit, so did the first meetings of the homebrewers and beer enthusiast clubs around the prairies. If you've never been to one of these, seriously find the one in your area. You don't have to know anything about making beer, you just have to enjoy it and want to know something more about it than you already do.

Most memberships are cheap and the company enjoys beer so you know the people are good.

Here's a list:

Headhunters Beer Club of Saskatoon meets at Paddock Wood (first meeting was Sept 13)

Regina Ales of meets at Bushwakker (oktoberfest party Sept 24)

Edmonton Homebrewers Guild meet the first Monday of the month at Alley Kat

Calgary's Cowtown Yeast WRanglers meets the first Monday as well at Wild Rose (their the biggest in Canada - weird eh?)

Lethbridge Wert Hogs meet the third Sunday of the months

Banff Beer Club meets at Banff Ave. Brewing
Check 'em out

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