Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wild Rose Altbier

Wild Rose introduced their spring seasonal the M.A.D. Altbier - after brewers Marl, Andrea and Dave. The websites reads it as:
"Altbier is a German-style ale originating in Rhineland with a name which translates to “old beer.” This old style of making beer is a hybrid-process which involves brewing with a top-fermenting ale yeast and then aging at cooler temperatures, which is typical of lagers. The result is a clean, crisp beer which is full of flavour, yet easy drinking. Using a multi-step mash process, our brewers have created a mahogany coloured beer with amazing body and mouthfeel. This brew is cool fermented and cold conditioned resulting in a refreshing, clean tasting ale."

It's good - get in and give it a try.